Top Quality Turf in Georgia, South Carolina, & North Florida

866-42GRASS x 1

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:00am -5:00pm
Saturday 8:00am -12:00pm
Sunday Closed


Empire Zoysia

EMPIRE® Turf is a medium-bladed, dark green zoysiagrass that is easy to maintain, soft, and beautiful.

EMPIRE Turf features excellent wear tolerance, requires less mowing and chemical applications, and is chinch bug resistant. More importantly, EMPIRE Turf allows the water supply to be shut off in severe periods of drought without the danger of permanently harming the lawn. EMPIRE Turf…one lawn…many benefits. EMPIRE Turf is the perfect choice for southern home lawns. Ensure a beautiful, low-maintenance lawn.

zoysia uses

• Residential lawns

• Commercial properties

• Golf course rough

• Parks and public spaces

zoysia highlights

• Medium-to-wide bladed

• 1to 2-inch mowing height

• 1-inch of water per week


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