Whitehall Centipede

Centipede grass specifically for home lawns
Whitehall Centipede is Sodmasters Turf Farm™ custom variety of centipede grass developed specifically for home lawns in our region. Whitehall Centipede is medium in texture with a pale-to-medium green color. This moderately, aggressive grass is reliable to produce a good, dense, relatively weed-free turf at low maintenance levels. Centipede turfgrass adapts well to clay, loam and sand soil types and it does not look scalped when cutting is delayed too long. In spite of its aggressiveness, this grass can be easily controlled and usually requires edging only once a year, around walks and flowerbeds.

• Easy to maintain
• Infrequent mowing
• Intermediate texture
• Fair shade tolerance
• Low fertility requirement
• Peak Mowing Requirement
– 7 to 10 days.
• Greens up rapidly after a
brief drought with irrigation
or rainfall
• pH range of 6.0 to 6.5