Cobalt™ Hybrid St. Augustine

Drought Resistance for Georgia and the Southeast
Cobalt™ Hybrid St. Augustine is known for its deep dark green color, wide blade, and its excellent drought resistance. Cobalt Hybrid St. Augustine also has disease tolerance, excellent visual quality, rapid grown-in, early spring green-up, good shade tolerance and the ability to thrive in high traffic areas, forming a dense attractive sod.

• Dark green color
• Wide blade
• Excellent drought resistance
• Disease tolerance
• Excellent visual quality
• Rapid grown-in
• Early spring green-up
• Good shade tolerance
• Thrives in high traffic areas
• Developed by Texas A&M University
“Cobalt™ Hybrid St. Augustine ‘DALSA 1618’ St. Augustine Grass was developed by Texas A&M AgriLife beginning in 2003 under a sponsored research service agreement with participating members of the Turf Producers of Texas known as SARG (St. Augustine Research Group).” Sodmasters grows and produces Cobalt as a Certified grass for your quality assurance.